More warm-dwelling Animals and Plants as a Result of Climate Change
Since 1980, populations of warm-dwelling species in Germany, e.g. some bird species, have increased. Copyright: Wolfgang Henkes
Since 1980, populations of warm-dwelling species in Germany have increased. The trend is particularly strong among warm-dwelling terrestrial species, as shown by the most comprehensive study across ecosystems in this regard to date. The most obvious increases occurred among warm-dwelling birds, butterflies, beetles, soil organisms and lichens according to the study published recently in the scientific journal “Nature Ecology & Evolution” led by Senckenberg scientists. Thus, it appears possible that rising temperatures due to the climate change have had a widespread impact on the population trends of animals in the past 30 years.
Robot e intelligenza artificiale: i deputati chiedono norme europee
Nella risoluzione approvata giovedì 16 febbraio, i deputati chiedono norme UE nel campo della robotica, un settore in rapida evoluzione, ad esempio per far rispettare standard etici o per stabilire la responsabilità civile in caso di incidenti che coinvolgono un’auto senza conducente. I deputati chiedono alla Commissione europea di proporre norme in materia di robotica e di intelligenza artificiale per sfruttarne appieno il potenziale economico e garantire un livello standard di sicurezza e protezione. Sottolineano che in diversi Paesi sono previsti standard normativi per i robot e sottolineano che spetta all’UE prendere l'iniziativa su come impostare questi standard, in modo da non essere costretti a seguire quelli eventualmente stabiliti da Paesi terzi.
Fluorescence method detects mercury contamination in fish
Swordfish auction in the fish market of Vigo (Spain). / José Antonio Gil Martínez
Researchers from the University of Burgos (Spain) have developed a fluorescent polymer that lights up in contact with mercury that may be present in fish. High levels of the metal were detected in samples of swordfish and tuna. According to the conclusions of another Spanish study, mercury exposure is linked to reduced foetal and placental growth in pregnant women. The presence of the toxic metal mercury in the environment comes from natural sources, however, in the last decades industrial waste has caused an increase in concentrations of the metal in some areas of the sea. In the food chain, mercury can be diluted either in organic form as methylmercury (MeHg+) or as an inorganic salt, the cation Hg2+.
Giacomo Balla: Designing the Future
Giacomo Balla: Designing the Future
Organised in collaboration with the Biagiotti Cigna Collection, this major exhibition presents a career-spanning retrospective of one of Italian Futurism's most important and consistently inventive artists. Encompassing his early Divisionist imagery, iconic Futurist paintings and examples of his distinctive work in the sphere of the applied arts, it will offer a comprehensive survey of Balla's multifaceted activity between the years 1895 and 1958, including many works rarely seen outside Italy.
Prospect for more effective treatment of nerve pain
Trigeminal neuralgia: A glimmer of hope for patients – thanks to a newly tested substance. (Picture: Center of Dental Medicine; UZH)
Trigeminal neuralgia is characterized by sharp, lancinating pain in the teeth or facial area. The standard treatment for this chronic nerve pain can cause burdening side effects. A novel substance inhibits the pain effectively and is well tolerated, as documented by the initial results of an international study involving the Center of Dental Medicine at the University of Zurich. The sharp pain shoots to the face or teeth and seriously torments patients. Known as trigeminal neuralgia, it is one of the worst chronic nerve pains. The bouts are triggered by touch, such as shaving, putting on make-up, showering, talking and tooth brushing, or even a gust of wind. The cause is usually an irritation of the trigeminal nerve, the cranial nerve responsible for the sensory innervation of the facial area, parts of the scalp, and the oral cavity.