Lunedì, 22 Luglio 2024

A coronal mass ejection is seen erupting from the Sun in June 2015.

Space storms could soon be forecasted with greater accuracy than ever before thanks to a big leap forward in our understanding of exactly when a violent solar eruption may hit Earth. Scientists say it is now possible to predict the precise speed a coronal mass ejection (CME) is travelling at and when it will smash into our planet – even before it has fully erupted from the Sun. CMEs are bursts of gas and magnetic fields spewed into space from the solar atmosphere.

They can cause geomagnetic storms that have the potential to wreak havoc with terrestrial technology in Earth's orbit and on its surface, which is why experts across the globe are striving to improve space weather forecasts.

Advancements such as this one could make a huge difference in helping to protect infrastructure that is vital to our everyday lives, according to researchers at Aberystwyth University, who will present their findings today at the Royal Astronomical Society's National Astronomy Meeting in Hull. They made their discovery after studying specific areas on the Sun called 'Active Regions', which have strong magnetic fields where CMEs are born. The researchers monitored how these areas changed in the periods before, during and after an eruption.

Pubblicato in Scienceonline


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