Venerdì, 03 Febbraio 2017
Venerdì, 03 Febbraio 2017 18:44

San Valentino nel Parco


Un romantico weekend fra boschi innevati, ciaspole, lupi ed escursioni al chiaro di luna


Da Venerdì 10 a Domenica 12 Febbraio 2017


Le montagne del Parco ammantate di neve faranno da cornice a questo splendido e romantico week-end. Indosseremo le ciaspole per godere dell'atmosfera unica che solo il bosco d'inverno riesce a trasmettere. Cammineremo alla ricerca dei lupi, con la luna ad illuminare il nostro percorso. Alloggeremo presso un confortevole alberghetto e ci rilasseremo al fuoco del camino. Gusteremo i migliori piatti della tradizione abruzzese e passeremo un romantico week-end all'insegna dell'avventura.

Pubblicato in Eventi


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. People with higher emotional empathy evaluate the facial expressions of both dogs and other people more quickly and intensely. Photo: Miiamaaria Kujala and Sanni Somppi


Human empathy can even extend to dogs: empathetic people interpret dogs’ facial expressions more intensely.

A study by the University of Helsinki and Aalto University explored how empathy and other psychological factors affect people’s assessments of the facial images of dogs and humans.

Pubblicato in Scienceonline


Richard Hughes


The Geological Society of London is delighted to announce the appointment of Richard Hughes as Executive Secretary. Richard is currently Director of Business Development at the Coal Authority, prior to which he was Director of Information at the British Geological Survey. He will take up the position in early May.


Pubblicato in Scienceonline



The difference between men and women with respect to their age preferences, when it comes to sexual partners, is smaller than earlier believed. A recent study shows that also men become interested in older and older women as they themselves age.

Pubblicato in Scienceonline


Oltre 700 sono i giovani registrati a CyberChallenge.IT, il programma del Laboratorio Nazionale di Cybersecurity che si pone l’obiettivo di trovare il “talento cyber” tra gli studenti  italiani tra i 17 e i 23 anni.  Una cifra che ha superato ogni aspettativa per gli organizzatori del Centro di Cyber intelligence e information security della Sapienza (CIS-Sapienza).

Pubblicato in Eventi


The Asian or Black-spined Toad (Duttaphrynus melanostictus) has all the makings of a classic bad guy. The toad poisons predators, competes with burrow-nesting birds, and disrupts both nutrient pools and parasite dynamics. The Asian Toad’s latest target? Madagascar, where native species may be threatened by predation, competition for resources, or the toad’s natural defensive toxins.

Pubblicato in Scienceonline
Venerdì, 03 Febbraio 2017 00:00

Galileo’s birthday


Dialogue between Galileo Galilei and Miguel de Cervantes


Sunday, February 19, 2017


Museo Galileo celebrates the 453rd anniversary of the scientist after whom it is named.

On February 19, at 4.00 pm, an impossible (but realistic) dialogue between Galileo and Cervantes will take place, and excerpts from the works of both authors will be read.

The event is the outcome of the imagination, but also the expertise of three enthusiasts who, having got to know about the presence of a copy of Don Quixote in the private library of Galileo, have decided to put him in direct confrontation with Cervantes.

Characters and performers:

The Reader: Mara Miniati

Galileo: Riccardo Pratesi

Cervantes: Antonello La Vergata

The event will be held in Italian and is recommended for adults and children over 12 years. Reservations required at

The show is followed – at 5.00 pm – by a "Galilaean happy hour", which is prepared after the scientist's works and the letters of his daughter, Sister Maria Celeste.

The participation is free of charge and included in the admission ticket to the museum.

On that occasion the Museo Galileo will be exceptionally open until 7.00 pm.

Info at +39 055 265311, Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

On the same day, La Specola museum, Zoological section of the Natural History Museum (via Romana 17), will also celebrate the scientist with guided visits to the Torrino and the exhibition Astronomia e Fisica a Firenze. Dalla Specola ad Arcetri. The visits will take place in Italian at 11.00 am, at 12.30 pm and at 3.00 pm.

The participation is free of charge and included in the admission ticket to the museum.

Info at 055 2756444;

Thanks to the special promotion between Museo Galileo and La Specola museum visitors who buy a full ticket in one of the two museums can access the other with a reduced fee.


Pubblicato in Scienceonline


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